Sophie Lauren
2 min readFeb 24, 2022


A Single Woman’s Diary

Some words get lost in emotion

Like they’re so heavy with pain, regret, and lingering resentment

The words become so buried underneath a wrath of darkness, like rainy clouds in the sky

Sometimes love gets lost under a million mistakes and soon becomes a faded memory

A forgotten feeling that bestows on a ship into a dark sea

Some days I sit and wonder if you remember the freckles on my face, and the way I smile

I wonder if my face is scratched out of your mind. Like the deleted pictures and ripped up photos.

Other words I can’t help but scream out. Sounding like the sports commentator, loud and almost unbearable.

Talking over the conversation, announcing my opinions like they’re the winning home run.

Other times my love gets so passionate that a fiery feeling of jealousy build up inside.

Insecurities begin to over flow, like a cup underneath a running faucet.

Other days I try to forget the thoughts of you, and the face that’s been imprinted in my memory.

Put the pictures underneath my bed, tucking them away. Sweeping them underneath like a undesired dust bunny.

Most days I think of how my lips touched a angels. The beautiful memories that I shared with a soul who touched mine.

Most days I am grateful to have loved so hard, that if tomorrow is my last breathe I’d be content. With the love I’ve got to experience. The memories that could make the coldest heart feel warm.

Most days I try to remember that not everyday with out you is a complete loss. That the time we spent together good and bad is something. irreplaceable. Feelings nobody could make me recreate.

Most days.. I miss you. But I won’t miss the broken little girl I was…

Thanks for making me a woman.

